Adult Recommendations

We’re glad to offer reading, listening, and viewing recommendations for our patrons. The links below will take you to lists for Best Sellers, Audiobooks, Films and Movies, and Award Winners. If you heard or saw a book being discussed on a radio or TV show and don’t remember the title or the author, try Books on the Air. It lists books discussed on radio and television shows for the prior week. All the titles on the lists throughout the website have links to search in our library catalog where you can place a reserve on the title.

Friends of the Pelham Library Lists

Popular & Staff Picks



Fiction ALA Notable Books
Nonfiction ALA Notable Books
Man Booker Prize (English Lit)
Edgar Awards (Mystery)
National Book Awards for Fiction
National Book Awards for Nonfiction
RITA Awards (Romance – retired 2020)
PEN/Faulkner Awards
Pulitzer Award for Biography
Pulitzer Award for Fiction
Pulitzer Award for History
Pulitzer Award for Nonfiction
Pulitzer Award for Poetry
Spur Awards (Western)
ALA Black Caucus Literary Awards

More Notable Booklists

Books on the Air: Have you just heard of a great book on the radio or TV but can’t remember the title? Books on the Air provides information on recent television and radio talks about books, upcoming novels and author interviews.

Oprah Book Club Selections: List of top Oprah’s Book Club Selections from the past. Follow the link to Oprah’s website and find a great read.

Additional Resources Lists

Local Authors of Pelham, NY

10 Ways to Celebrate National Poetry Month

Black Voices Throughout History

Pride Month Resources

StopAsianHate Resources @ Town of Pelham Public Library

Labor History and Rights Resources 

Hispanic and Latinx Resources

Italian-American Heritage Resources

American Indian and Alaska Native Resources

Women’s History Month Resources

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