Children’s Programs

Providing current, interesting and lively programs is the aim of Children’s Services at the Library. All year long, there is a mix of regularly scheduled programs and special programs during school vacations. Below is an overview:

Regularly Scheduled Programs

Story Time: The Library provides three story time programs on weekdays that take place throughout the year, including vacation weeks and summer. The sessions are from 10:30 to 11 a.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Caregivers must be in attendance and are strongly encouraged to participate with the children they accompany — that makes it a pleasurable experience for all! As such, we request there be no phone use or talking during story time. Be sure to check the calendar for up-to-date information. All story times are held outdoors on the front lawn — even in winter — so please dress appropriately and bring a blanket to sit on.

K-Day: An annual rite of fall and Pelham Library tradition, K-Day is held every September when we welcome kindergartners into the Library to receive their first library card! This fun event is generally held the last Saturday of the month and features balloon sculptures for kindergartners and face painting provided by our Friends of the Library.

Summer Reading Program: Summertime is a particularly busy time at the Library because the Summer Reading Program is in full swing. Each year is unique with programs developed around a theme. The Library usually has over 150 children in pre-school through grade school who sign up to read books over the summer and to collect prizes for doing so. The opening event is usually held on or near the last day of school and the ending ice cream party is sometime in August.

All Library programs are free and open to the public! Most of the programs are first come, first served, unless otherwise indicated. To sign-up for programs requiring registration, call the Library at (914) 738-1234.

We want all children who come to the Library to have an enjoyable, safe and supervised visit. Click here to read the Library’s Child Safety and Unattended Child Policy.

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